Filter Books (1700s)

These items are no longer available for sale, but represent examples of inventory previously sold by Sturgis Antiques.
There are 2 total records.
Jacques-Antony Chovin La Danse des Morts Comme Plates by Matthew Merian 1789 1.jpg

Jacques-Antony Chovin La Danse des Morts Comme Plates by Matthew Merian 1789 Edition Published by Jean Rod. Im-Hof & Fils

La Danse des Morts Comme elle est dépeinte dans La Louable et ce’lebre Ville de Basle
“The Dance of [...]

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Alexander Pope Translation 2nd Ed. Iliad of Homer 1720 edition Bernard Lintot Pub. Leather Bound

Title: The Iliad of Homer
Translated by Alexander Pope
250 pages with one page of advertisement for Books printed for Bernard Lintot and one fly page [...]