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These items are no longer available for sale, but represent examples of inventory previously sold by Sturgis Antiques.
There are 183 total records.
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2 Early 1900's Photogravures of Gynecology Office

2 great and fine detailed photogravures of the waiting room and also the examine room.
The Table room image is striking and crisp imaging.
The Waiting [...]
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Circa 1925 PAL FUNK ANGELO Photogravure Nude Art Deco Hungarian Constructivist Modernist Background

PAL FUNK ANGELO (Hungarian, 1894–1974)
Title: Akt (ca. 1935)
Photogravure of 1935 photograph

Size: 7 1/4 x 8 1/4

Condition: VG with minor abrasion on the front, page has small [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XCIX

1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XCIX

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate LVI

1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XLVIII

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XLVIII

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XI

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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Albumen Civil War Photograph of Soldier Confederate with Sabre in Period Frame 8 x 10 Image

Albumen photo of a civil war Confederate Soldier, Rebel, posed with a sabre in his hand, a pocket journal on the left and a long [...]
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Circa 1925 PAL FUNK ANGELO Photogravure Nude Art Deco Hungarian Bending Backwards

PAL FUNK ANGELO, (Budapest, 1894 . Jan. 31 - Budapest, 1974 . Dec. 13)
Photogravure of a nude, circa 1925
Printed in a Sepia Tone on a thin paper stock

Size: 7 1/2" [...]
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Circa 1925 PAL FUNK ANGELO Photogravure Nude

PAL FUNK ANGELO, (Budapest, 1894 . Jan. 31 - Budapest, 1974 . Dec. 13)
Photogravure of a nude, circa 1925
Printed in a Sepia Tone on a thin paper stock

Size: 8 1/2" [...]
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1901 Stereo Card Havan Cuba Obispo Street H. C. White

1901 Stereo Card of Obispo Street in Havan Cuba, principle shopping Street in Havana.
published by H. C. White

Size: 3 1/2 x 7
Condition: Fine, slight curl [...]
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1904 Stereo Card Sunken Gardens Palaces of Mines and Metallurgy World's Fair St. Louis

1904 Stereo Card Sunken Gardens Palaces of Mines and Metallurgy and varied Industries World's Fair St. Louis 1904
Published by William H. Raw Philadelphia.
No. 19 from the [...]
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Circa 1915's Jungle Exploration Snap Shot

Circa 1915's to 1920's snap shot of jungle exploration scene. Tropical forest area with guides and natives.

Condition: Fine, minor bumps to the edges
Size: 3 1 [...]
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Tintype Gentlemen Boxing in Pose

A nice late 1800's tintype of two men in pose ready to box.

Condition: Fine with three edges cut. No case.
Size: 2 1/2 x 3/12
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A Pair of Photos of a Egyptologist Dissecting a Mummy

Yes you are not seeing double, same man and same Mummy but the man doesnt have a hat on in one pose.
Appears to be [...]
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Sixth Plate Ambrotype of Young Fancy Man With Kerchief

Sixth Plate Size, 2 3/4" wide Ambrotype of a Young Dapper Man with a Kerchief in his jacket pocket.
Ornate brass stamped matt with a nice [...]
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All Wood Maple Stereoviewer Circa 1880's Stereoscope with Card

Circa 1880 Stereoscope, also called Stereo Viewers, with maple veneer.

Condition: Good with minor veneer chipping on the underside, please see the photos for details

Comes [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate LXV

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XVII

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XLII

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XIX

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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1924 Art Deco Photogravure by Walery from Folio Nus by Laryew Plate XXIV

A striking Art Deco Photogravure nude from 1924 bu Walery.
Published in 1924 as “Nus: Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew” Walery went by the pseudonym of Laryew [...]
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A Scrapbook Circa 1920s Little Black Book Erotica Photos and French Photos of Drawings

Here is a small black book / Scrapbook of Erotica Photos, circa 1800’s and French Drawings that were photographed.
The owner pasted almost every page [...]
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WWII Naval Photo Album 65 Maritime Military Travel Native Philippines Nude Images

This is a truly incredible and rare find. A 22 page WWII era Naval photo album chock full of maritime military & travel photos. Images range from [...]
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Albumen Print of Young Man Playing Guitar Ramblin' Man Circa 1890's

A cabinet Card size, Albumen Print of a young man playing guitar.
Almost a young ramblin' type western man strumming his guitar.
Strong Crisp image, [...]
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Thermoplastic Union Case by Littlefield, Parsons 1856 Highy Detailed of Man and Woman Playing Chess

A Wonderful and in Near Perfect Cond. Thermoplastic Union Case by Littlefield, Parsons & Co. Circa 1856
Sometimes called Gutta-Percha cases and or Union Cases. For a [...]