Filter Special Collections 003 Natural History

These items are no longer available for sale, but represent examples of inventory previously sold by Sturgis Antiques.

In this section, I will be devoting to collections of Ethnographic Items and Natural History Items. Some of these items will be from one collection with some added items from on going estates. I felt having these items all together would benefit each item and will make viewing these type of items easier and will of course look good on the same page. 
Each item will be described with region and approx. date of the item. All these items are coming from private collections with as much background from where my client/s got them with approximately when they acquired the item.

There are 5 total records.
Circa 7th C. Nazca Chuspas Cocoa Pouch Peru 1.jpg

Circa 7th C. Nazca Chuspas Cocoa Pouch Peru Woven Course Fabric Under Feathers

Nazca Culture Chuspas Cocoa Pouch 
Circa 7-8th C. Cocoa bag or pouch was used to hold and store Coca leaves for [...]

Antique Sioux Plains Indian Beaded Hat Band 20 Inches 1.jpg

Late 1800s Plains Tribe Native American Beaded Hat Band Sioux or Lakota Indian Tribe

Circa last quarter of the 1800s Plains Tribe Native American Beaded Hat Band 

The Plains Tribes of North America are known for their [...]

Circa 1900 Box of Pele's Hair Volcanic Lava Glass 1.jpg

Rare Collection of Pele's Hair with Note Circa 1910 Volcanic Lava Cooled to Fine Fibers

Next up on the Natural History section is something I was unfamiliar with, Pele's Hair. The estate had this and other fossils and antique shell [...]

Tibetan Gau Prayer Box 1.jpg

Antique Tibetan Gau Portable Shrine with Fabric Case Circa 1950s

Tibetan Gau or sometimes spelled Ghau is a prayer box or amulet container traditionally used by Tibetan Buddhists. Primarily a reliquary to hold and carry & [...]

Solomon Island Trolling Lure Mother Of Pearl with Turtle Shell Carved Hook  11.jpg

Circa 19th C. Solomon Island Trolling Lure Mother Of Pearl with Turtle Shell Carved Hook

Solomon Island Trolling Lure Mother Of Pearl with Turtle Shell Carved Hook
Year: approx. 19th c. 
The body of the lure [...]