Photography (Daguerreotype)
French Daguerreotype Barthelemy Thalamas Active 1850-1860 Priest in Chasuble Holding Book in Original Frame and Label
French Daguerreotype Barthelemy Thalamas who was active from 1850-1860.
The sitter appears to be priest with rustic and old chasuble robe and holding a [...]
Daguerreotype of Woman Sitter Hand Colored NO Case
Daguerreotype Woman Sitter Hand Colored
No Case
The young woman, styled hair with all her jewelry, rings, necklace and broach. [...]
Early Horizontal Daguerreotype of Young Couple Sixth Plate Hand Tinted Circa 1850s
Early Horizontal Daguerreotype of Young Couple
Size: Sixth Plate (2.75 x 3.25 inches)
Hand Tinted Circa 1850s of a young couple, his arms around your [...]
Remarkably Clear and Detailed Half Plate Daguerreotype by Baltimore Daguerreotype Photographer Henry Pollock, Circa 1850
Remarkably Clear and Detailed Half Plate Daguerreotype by Baltimore Daguerreotype Photographer Henry Pollock, Circa 1850
Early Half Plate Daguerrotype by Harvey R. Marks Blind Stamped Baltimore Photographer Circa 1850
A Very Early Half Plate Daguerrotype by Harvey R. Marks Blind Stamped Mat Image of Man and Wife with Small Child Circa 1850
Circa 1851 Daguerrotype of Man By Baltimore Photographer John Jones 159 Balto Street Civil War Photographer Sixth Plate
Circa 1851 Daguerrotype of Man By Baltimore Photographer John Jones 159 Balto. Street Combined Sky & Side Light
Rare Half Plate Daguerrotype of Important American Portrait Painting Not Identified Sitter or Photographer Circa 1840s
A half plate daguerrotype of American Painting, circa early 1800.
The portrait, similar in style and technique of Thomas Sully's early American portraits, this half [...]
Sixth Plate Daguerreotype of Woman Holding Glasses Circa 1850 Attributed Sitter Pfieffer
Sixth Plate Daguerreotype of Woman Holding Glasses. Noted on the back that the photo is of "his mother" on "her wedding day". There are a [...]
Early Sixth Plate Daguerreotype of Man Hand Tinted Strange Eyes Resealed
A striking hand tinted early Daguerreotype of older man with the strangest eyes I have seen. The eyes caused a haunting and strange reaction to [...]
Daguerreotype Portrait Hand Tinted Sixth Plate Case Image Circa 1860
Daguerreotype Portrait Sixth Plate Hand Tinted Case Image
A early daguerreotype, circa 1860's. An oval mat with a classic portrait bust photograph [...]
Daguerreotype of Young Woman Holding a Bible Hand Tinted Sixth Plate Case Image
Daguerreotype of Young Woman Holding a Bible or book of some sort, hand painted and tinted case image, Sixth Plate
A portrait of [...]
Ninth Plate Daguerrotype Case Image of A Woman with Black Cameo Necklace Circa 1850s
A very interesting portrait of a woman, she has strong Central European look but what is very nice about the image is the cameo necklace [...]
Quarter Plate Daguerrotype of Wealthy and Well Dressed Stylish Man Full Image of Sitter Circa 1850s
A early image of a very well dressed man who had extreme wealth. This large image, a quarter plate was a huge luxury and expense [...]
Unique Daguerreotype of Woman Photographed in Profile Case Image Circa 1850
The Daguerreotype came and changed the course of portraiture, the late 1700's in American had the style of silhouette portraits and they were done in [...]
Original Label R. Jennings Daguerreotype Philadelphia Vine and Second Street Portrait of f Young Man
R. Jennings Daguerreotype Philadelphia Vine and Second Street Portrait of f Young Man
Year: Circa 1850
"Robert Jennings was listed as a case [...]
Very Unique Boston Daguerreotype in Case By Tyler and Co. Boston Woman Portrait in Ornate Grape Design Mat Ninth Plate
Daguerreotype by Tyler & Co. Washington and Winter in Boston Mass. of a young woman with a very ornate grape designed mat. Very unique in [...]
Daguerreotype of Young Dandy Posed with Style Two Pinky Rings Ninth Plate Size Case Image Labeled Tyler and Co Boston
Daguerreotype of Young Dandy Posed with Style Two Pinky Rings Ninth Plate Size Case Image Circa 1854
Labeled on the back Tyler & Co. [...]
Daguerreotype by Cooley's Gallery Hand Colored Portrait of Man Circa 1850 Otis Hubbard Cooley Springfield Massachusetts
Daguerreotype by Cooley's Gallery, a hand colored portrait of a man. Unknown sitter but a man of high distinction. His fashion is of the day, [...]
Daguerreotype by Lorenzo G. Chase Sixth Plate Man with Stylish Eye Glasses Boston Photographer Circa 1850
Daguerreotype by Lorenzo G. Chase Sixth Plate Man with Stylish Eye Glasses
Lorenzo G. Chase, marked "CHASE" (Lorenzo G. Chase, Boston, MA, active 1844-1856). [...]
Sixteenth Plate Daguerreotype Portrait of Woman with Long Necklace Circa 1860
Sixteenth Plate Daguerreotype Portrait of Woman with Long Necklace
A very charming portrait of a woman, a small keep sake size Daguerrotype. She [...]
Ninth Plate Daguerreotype Hand Tinted Woman with Large White Lace Collar Rose Inside Velvet
Ninth Plate Daguerreotype Hand Tinted Woman with Large White Lace Collar
Circa 1860
The woman who has one of the best looking collars I have [...]
Daguerreotype of Old Woman Hand Colored Unknown Photographer Possibly Baltimore Daguerreotype
Daguerreotype of Old Woman Hand Colored Unknown Photographer
This image and other came from a collection of Baltimore images, Pollock, John Jones, Harvey Marks and [...]
Plumbe National Daguerrian Gallery Boston A New England Daguerreotype Woman With Bonnet Circa 1840
New England Daguerreotype Plumbe National Gallery Court Street Ninth Plate of Woman with Bonnet No Case
Daguerrotype of Older Woman Holding Her Bible with Clipping of her Obituary from Baltimore MD circa 1840
Daguerrotype of Older Woman Holding Her Bible circa 1840 Baltimore Family and Image
Daguerreotype Of Elegant and Distinguished Young Man Grape Leaves Mate Tinted Image